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Value First Group Purchasing

Designed by and for aging services professionals, the Value First group purchasing program is a LeadingAge member benefit that provides access to nationally negotiated pricing for a wide array of products and services.


LeadingAge Massachusetts is one of 25 similar associations which, along with LeadingAge, have built value into Value First – both for our members and for your association. Value First draws from LeadingAge’s foundation in group purchasing and builds greater opportunities and options for LeadingAge members and affiliates.

Through this partnership we offer to our members:

  • Leverage by having created a collective buying pool of as many as 7,000+ aging services providers.
  • Unprecedented national buying power through a partnership with national group purchasing specialist MedAssets. MedAssets recently acquired The Broadlane Group, a leading provider of supply chain management, supplies and centralized procurement. This combines two of the top four healthcare group purchasing organizations in the nation and brings together some of the best pricing and contract depth in the field.
  • Broad customer service from LeadingAge Massachusetts, the Value First team and the LeadingAge Savings and Solutions Center.
  • Access to more than 400 contracted vendors.
  • Association strength by earning ownership benefits that help keep us working for you.

Value First’s portfolio of vendors is large. Here is just a sample:

  • Construction services
  • Food distributers
  • Medical supplies
  • Therapy
  • Facility operations
  • Furniture
  • Equipment
  • Technology

Value First is a non-exclusive program. “Members can enroll in Value First and participate in other Group Purchasing Organizations at the same time. Even after enrollment, there is no obligation to purchase. It’s our goal to put the “value” in Value First and help members find the right fit with vendors and products,” Elissa Sherman, LeadingAge Massachusetts president added.

There is no cost to enroll. Members who already enrolled in LeadingAge’s GPO are automatically enrolled in Value First. Others who are ready to join Value First or who have any questions can learn more by visiting the Value First web site at